Uploading Planning Data

Upload Example Using cURL

In the following, we provide an example of how to push your Planning data to Logilica for storage and built-in analytics. The following depicts all possible fields that can be included in an upload of a ticket or issue, both the mandatory and optional fields.

The cURL POST command is below. Note, that the POST command includes the example API token lgca_UeRxFs_3RYRJEJtdYp7j7Wa6DirG5NjiYslsb and the example workspace myworkspace. The command URL also includes a placeholder for the projectID to associate the uploaded issues with. This projectID is obtained from the pm/projects/create endpoint.

curl --location --request POST \
'https://logilica.io/api/import/v1/pm/<projectID>/issues/create' \
--header 'X-lgca-token: lgca_UeRxFs_3RYRJEJtdYp7j7Wa6DirG5NjiYslsb' \
--header 'x-lgca-domain: myworkspace' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '[{
    "id": "ABC-123",
    "origin": "JIRA",
    "createdAt": 1689207410,
    "updatedAt": 1689309835,
    "creator": {
        "name": "John Doe",
        "email": "john.doe@myorganisation.com",
        "accountId": "johnDoe",
        "lastActivity": 1701436893
    "reporter": {
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "email": "jane.doe@myorganisation.com",
        "accountId": "janeDoe",
        "lastActivity": 1699536093
    "assignedAt": 1689207463,
    "assignee": {
        "name": "Sally Smith",
        "email": "sally.smith@myorganisation.com",
        "accountId": "sallySmith",
        "lastActivity": 1701091293
    "inProgressAt": 1689207487,
    "resolvedAt": 1689309835,
    "resolver": {
        "name": "Sally Smith",
        "email": "sally.smith@myorganisation.com",
        "accountId": "sallySmith",
        "lastActivity": 1701436893
    "resolution": "Fix",
    "type": "Task",
    "status": "Completed",
    "statusCategory": "Done",
    "summary": "Revive user API endpoints in each service.",
    "description": "Go into each service and enable the API endpoints that both upload and import user data.",
    "url": "https://myworkspacename.atlassian.net/browse/ABC-123",
    "labels": ["backend"],
    "sprintKeys": ["456"],
    "priority": "Low",
    "storyPointEstimate": 1,
    "parentIssue": "ABC-789",
    "events": [
            "type": "PM_ISSUE_CREATED",
            "author": {
                "name": "John Doe",
                "email": "john.doe@myorganisation.com",
                "accountId": "johnDoe",
                "lastActivity": 1701436893
            "createdAt": 1689207410,
            "to": ""
            "type": "PM_ISSUE_ASSIGNED",
            "author": {
                "name": "John Doe",
                "email": "john.doe@myorganisation.com",
                "accountId": "johnDoe",
                "lastActivity": 1701436893
            "createdAt": 1689207463,
            "to": {
                "name": "Sally Smith",
                "email": "sally.smith@myorganisation.com",
                "accountId": "sallySmith",
                "lastActivity": 1701091293
            "type": "PM_ISSUE_IN_PROGRESS",
            "author": {
               "name": "Sally Smith",
                "email": "sally.smith@myorganisation.com",
                "accountId": "sallySmith",
                "lastActivity": 1701091293
            "createdAt": 1689207487,
            "from": "To Do",
            "to": "In Progress"
            "type": "PM_ISSUE_RESOLVED",
            "author": {
               "name": "Sally Smith",
                "email": "sally.smith@myorganisation.com",
                "accountId": "sallySmith",
                "lastActivity": 1701091293
            "createdAt": 1689309835,
            "from": "In Progress",
            "to": "Done"

Method of Importing Planning Data

To ensure the accuracy of data in Logilica, planning data should be imported in the following order:

  1. Create a project and fetch the ID returned to you. You use this ID in subsequent calls to the Logilica Import API for Planning Data.

  2. Import or update sprints

  3. Import or update issues

Data is displayed in Logilica once issues have been imported.

API Schema for Importing Planning Data

Create a new project

Add or Update Sprints

Add or Update Issues

Last updated