Team Pulse

Get a quick understanding what your team is working on and how you are tracking.


The Team Pulse is a team manager's view to stay on top of the team's activity. It shows the most recent progress of your team across tickets and PRs, and highlights some of the risks to delivery as well as team health issues to watch out for. This report also serves as a communication basis with a team to sync on progress and concerns.

Improvement Actions: The Pulse view highlights a number of delivery risks to watch out for, as well as the load of individual staff. Some level of risk is normal, but unexpected high levels should be investigated. Similarly, if more/less activity in the timeline view is expected, the reasons should be addressed with the team. Some actions might be to change resourcing, set expectations, and distribute workload more effectively.


Some of the information in this report includes:

Cycle time: The PR lifecycle time from the first commit to being merged/closed averaged out across all teams.

Work Type: The predominant type of code changes of adding new code, changes oneself or others' code which has been first added in the last 3 weeks or the maintenance of code older than 3 weeks.

Alerts: Risk coming out of the planning stage and the coding activities. This combined view gives a good idea of where to focus the attention and where potential improvement in the process should be made.

Timeline Ticker: Shows the most recent activities on both tickets and PRs. An activity is defined as a workflow stage change for the tickets and PRs owned by the team.

Team Overview: This view shows the activity and load of each team member, including:

  • WIP: the number of open PRs or assigned tickets to the team member

  • Reviewer: the number of open PRs the team member is assigned to as a reviewer or made a review comment on

  • Todo: the number of tickets in the backlog assigned to the team member

  • Done: the number of tickets closed and PRs closed/merged by the team member

  • Blockers: the number of items that potentially indicate a team member being blocked. This includes a complex review, long PR response time, long ticket response time, sprint overrun, or unplanned work. See also the Glossary for details.

  • Load: the load of each team member is defined as

    • available: if the contributor has 0 open tickets and or PRs

    • active: if the contributor has between 0 and 10 open tickets and PRs

    • overloaded: if the contributor has combined more than 10 open tickets and PRs

Good to Know

The Pulse view serves as an entry point for a conversation with the team for process improvements. It is not intended as a performance tracker. Note, the timeliness of the data is also affected by the scan frequency as defined by your organisation, which is 24h by default. The advantage of this view is that all the information is computed and aggregated without any overhead by the team itself and creates minimal interruption to their daily activity.

Last updated