Teams Overview

How are all your teams tracking?


The teams overview gives you a quick glance at some key statistics for each team and how they are tracking in the aggregate. This report helps you to detect anomalies across teams and allows you to drill down further for investigation. This overview assists you in prioritising when to spend your time and management effort.

Improvement Actions: Logilica's teams overview helps to get insights across teams. Teams with outlier KPIs might need your help or additional resourcing.


Some of the information in this report includes aggregated information such as:

Active Developers: The number of engineers who were opening a PR. If the headcount stays the same, you expect a roughly even trend.

Cycle time: The PR lifecycle time from the first commit to being merged/closed averaged out across all teams.

Work Focus: The predominant type of code changes of adding new code, changes oneself or others' code which has been first added in the last 3 weeks or the maintenance of code older than 3 weeks.

Besides this, there is a breakdown for each team with statistics including:

Active Developers: The number of engineers who were opening a PR.

WIP: Work in progress about opening PRs in the reporting period, but not yet merged/closed.

Done: Number of PRs closed in the reporting period.

Cycle time: The PR lifecycle time from the first commit to being merged/closed.

Breakdown: The lifecycle breakdown of each PR showing its Coding, Response, Review, and Integration time.

Work Activities: The predominant type of code changes of adding new code, changes oneself or others' code which has been first added in the last 3 weeks or the maintenance of code older than 3 weeks.

Risk: This counts risks, including:

  • Stale: A PR that has been opened but did not progress from one stage to another in more than 1 day.

  • Long Running WIP: A PR that has been opened but not merged for more than 3 days. This PR might be stuck or forgotten.

  • Risky Change: A PR that potentially deserves more attention because of its complexity, meeting one of the following criteria:

    • More than 100 LoC changed, or

    • The PR contains more than 10 commits, or

    • The PR touches on more than 10 files.

  • Complex Review: A PR that potentially deserves more attention because it appears to include a more complex review process, meeting one of the following criteria:

    • It attracted more than 10 review comments, or

    • It went already through more than 1 review cycle, or

    • It has more than 1 additional reviewer being active on it.

  • Merged Outside Process: This identifies PRs that are merged, but did not follow a standard quality process and were not reviewed or not approved.

Good to Know

A degree of caution should be applied when comparing teams by aggregated numbers. Different teams have likely different work styles and tasks. For instance, backend and frontend teams often have different cadences and a different focus. As such this should be taken as a team performance comparison, but rather to glean signals for follow-up actions.

Last updated