Code Activities / Risks

Deep dive into your coding activities and delivery risks.


This view is for team manger to see all the development activities and risks across teams and repositories. Moreover, extensive filtering can be used to slice and dice PRs across the organisation to follow the evidence and do quick investigations to validate standard process issues.

Improvement Actions: Logilica's pre-computed risk categories help to proactively manage PR processes before future problems, such as quality issues or delivery delays occur.


Some of the information about each ticket in this report includes:

Code Size: The lines of code committed. While not a measure of productivity, it indicates complexity and effort for reviews, merges, etc. Large commits tend to result more often in delays.

Work Type: The predominant type of code changes of adding new code, changes oneself or others' code which has been first added in the last 3 weeks or the maintenance of code older than 3 weeks.

Cycle time: The PR lifecycle time from the first commit to being merged/closed.

Breakdown: The lifecycle breakdown of each PR showing its Coding, Response, Review, and Integration time.

Updated: The last time the PR was touched as recorded by your git provider.

Status: Ticket status as defined by GitHub/GitLab, etc.


Logilica tracks the number of default risks for each ticket. This includes:

  • Stale: A PR that has been opened but did not progress from one stage to another in more than 1 day.

  • Long Running WIP: A PR that has been opened but not merged for more than 3 days. This PR might be stuck or forgotten.

  • Risky Change: A PR that potentially deserves more attention because of it complexity, meeting one of the following criteria:

    • More than 100 LoC changed, or

    • The PR contains more than 10 commits, or

    • The PR touches on more than 10 files.

  • Complex Review: A PR that potentially deserves more attention because it appears to include a more complex review process, meeting one of the following criteria:

    • It attracted more than 10 review comments, or

    • It went already through more than 1 review cycle, or

    • It has more than 1 additional reviewer being active on it.

  • Merged Outside Process: This identifies PRs that are merged, but did not follow a common quality process and were not reviewed or not approved.

Good to Know

The PR risks serve as predefined filters and can be combined with other existing or custom filters. Behind the More button on the filter bar additional complex queries such as below can be easily constructed.

Last updated